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Systematic Paleontology
Order Clymeniida
Suborder Cyrtoclymeniina
Superfamily Cyrtoclymeniaceae
Family Carinoclymeniidae
Genus Karaclymenia

Karaclymenia is a Devonian ammonite included in the order Clymeniidae, restricted to the mid Famennian of the upper Devonian.

The shell of Karaclymenia, like that of Carinoclymenia, is lenticular and oxyconic, but additionaly with a shallow umbilical lobe. As with other clymeniids, the siphuncle in Karaclymenia is dorsal, against the inner rim of the whorls, and the septal necks project toward the apex of the shell making it retrochoanitic.

Two species are recognized, Karaclymenia sperata from two locations in the south Urals of Kazakhstan with a given age of 367.6 to 366.4 million years ago and Karaclymenia saharae from Morocco with a given age of 366.8 to 366.4 million years ago.

Acriclymenia and Carinoclymenia are related genera also included in the Carinoclymeniidae

Karaclymenia Bogoslovsky 1983 in Fossilworks. [1]
Karaclymenia in GONIAT online [2]

Sepkoski, J.J. Jr. 2002. A compendium of fossil marine animal genera. Bulletins of American Paleontology 363: 1–560. [3]
